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Weather forecast for South Tyrol

The weather on Friday, 28.02.2025

Min.: 2°C
Max.: 12°C

A westerly high-altitude current will temporarily bring in slightly more humid air masses.

It will remain sunny in the afternoon. Only a few high clouds will gather from the south. It will be slightly foehn wind, especially in the valleys in the north.

Temperatures rise from 8° in the Wipptal to 15° in the Etschtal.

The weather on Saturday, 01.03.2025

Min.: 0°C
Max.: 11°C

Partly humid air masses will reach the Alpine region from the south.

Saturday will bring a mixture of sun and clouds. Scattered showers cannot be ruled out in the first half of the day.

Temperatures will range from 6° to 13°.

The weather in the mountains on Friday, 28.02.2025

A westerly high-altitude current will temporarily bring in slightly more humid air masses.

Temperature at 2.000m: -3°C
Temperature at 3.000m: -11°C
0° at altitude: 1600m

The weather in the mountains on Saturday, 01.03.2025

Partly humid air masses will reach the Alpine region from the south.

Temperature at 2.000m: -5°C
Temperature at 3.000m: -11°C
0° at altitude: 1500m

Weather forecast in South Tyrol

On Sunday, sunshine will prevail again. Monday will continue sunny with cloudless skies. There will also be plenty of sunshine on Tuesday. Temperatures reach highs of up to 17°. Wednesday will remain cloudless and the sun will shine all day.


Min.: -8°C
Max.: 15°C


Min.: -8°C
Max.: 16°C


Min.: -6°C
Max.: 17°C


Min.: -5°C
Max.: 17°C

Map of South Tyrol on Friday, 28.02.2025

Map of South Tyrol on Saturday, 01.03.2025

© Servizio meteo provinciale Alto Adige

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